2019 Book Recommendations

Why Books?

Books serve as old teachers. God equips His saints. We have the words of the saints of the past preserved and bound in these books. So make the most of the best writers of the past. They are like old friends who have walked before us and can adequately, warmly encourage and strengthen us on the path to holiness.

A Few Warnings:

  1. The best gifts God gives us, if we’re not careful, can become a Bible to us. Don’t use these good books as a substitute for meeting with God in His Word. Let these books drive you to Scripture and drive you to God Himself.

  2. Balance your diet - even in reading. The Bible is always perfectly balanced. Good books are not. We need a balance between objective (theological) and subjective (devotional/applicational) truths.

  3. Books have different values. Books that deal with the heart of Scripture are primary. Books that don’t are secondary. If you can only read a few books a year, choose books that help you to know God Himself, to adore Him, and to obey Him. If you start with “How to be a good dad” or “How to be a good evangelist,” you’ll find that your spirituality will be shallow compared to what it could have been.




Download the Media Gratiae 2019 Book List

We've categorized and linked every book mentioned in the Behold Your God Podcast in the PDF below. Click here to download it.

Media Gratiae Book List Cover-01.png


For this week’s Supporter Appreciation Episode, we're sharing all 10 sessions + Q&A from our Behold Your God National Conference in 2013. There are sermons from John Snyder, Paul Washer, Richard Owen Roberts, Anthony Mathenia, Andrew Davies, Conrad Mbewe, and Jordan Thomas.

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