A Minister’s Confidence


Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834—1892), the great 19th century Prince of Preachers, was often called "the last Puritan."

In his sermon, “The Minister in These Times,” he exhorts pastors and students at the 1890 Shepherd’s Conference on how to speak of and live for Christ during the time in which he lived. His words are still applicable for pastors and all Christians in our day and age.



we insist upon it that faith must obey her Savior's will as well as trust His grace.

Our Lord… stands before us as our example and pattern. We preach the grace of God, and the blood of Christ; but if any suppose that we do not preach Christ as an example, they know nothing of our ministry; for we insist upon it that faith must obey her Savior's will as well as trust His grace… We would preach Christ as the perfect pattern, that saints may long to be conformed to Him. Men must have the spirit of Christ, or they are lost. There is no Heaven to be found in a mere forensic justification, apart from a spiritual work within the soul,—a change of heart, and a renewal of mind.

we shall always hold Christ as Lord and God.

Once more, I trust that we shall always hold Christ as Lord and God. Whatever else He is, He is Lord and God to us. Therefore He is to be spoken of and thought upon with deepest reverence of soul. The spirit that trifles with the Word of God, and the things of Christ, is almost more vicious than the action which comes out of it. I have read many things which I have shuddered at; but I have shuddered much more at the state of mind into which a man must have come to be able to write them.

Let us cultivate the highest reverence for our Divine Lord, and the surest confidence in His power, and in His ultimate victory.

Let us cultivate the highest reverence for our Divine Lord, and the surest confidence in His power, and in His ultimate victory. Trust in that hand which He keeps on the helm. Have no shadow of a doubt that His wisdom and might will cause all things to end well. Go, therefore, and speak in His Name. When you have done stating a doctrine, command your hearers, in the Name of Jesus, to believe it. Be daring enough for that. As the apostles commanded lame men to stand, and even dead men to live, so, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, command sinners to turn unto Him, and to live. He who gives you faith will answer to His own word.


Christian LifeSarah Snyder