Elders and Deacons, Part I
This week, Chuck Baggett and Teddy James are talking about the importance, role, and qualifications of an elder and deacon.
Why are we spending two episodes talking about this?
The Church belongs to Jesus Christ. He is Lord of the church, and He has given us instructions on how the church should operate.
Some church job postings, surveys, etc, show a fundamental misunderstanding of what an elder is.
This man (pastor) will be responsible for spiritually feeding and leading you over the next “x” number of years.
1 Timothy 3, Titus 1 emphasize the character of an elder. Character is more important even than gifting. An elder should be blameless, gentle, above reproach. These are evidences of the work of the Spirit.
We should beware of a gifted man with a weak character who may lead a flock astray.
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