Fighting and Killing Sin III: Be More Enamored with God than Sin

Having discussed the necessity of mortifying sin and the flesh as well as watching and praying through Christ, John Snyder and Jeremy Walker move on to discuss the practical helps God provides for us in fighting sin, repenting when we fall, and seeing restoration in our communion with God.

We often look for a silver bullet when it comes to difficulties of the Christian life. We want an easier way to kill sin. But Owen is too wise to offer an easy and cheap solution. He gives us the tools God has given us. They aren’t easy; they do require effort. But He provides the energy, the will, and the desire to master them.


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Listen to The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App.

Check out Jeremy’s podcasts From the Heart of Spurgeon and A Word in Season here!

Temptation Resisted and repulsed by John Owen

The Mortification of Sin by John Owen

Volume 6 of the Works of John Owen

Check out Jeremy’s book