Grace and Law II: 3 Responses to Our Portion

This week, John continues to use Psalm 119:57-61 to lay the foundation for a discussion of the Christian’s relationship to the law.

We heard last week about the foundational importance of having God as our portion. Today, we discuss 3 responses fueled by God as our portion:

  1. Love and gratitude that lead to obedience

  2. Dependence on God

  3. Determination to apply all that we find in His Word


The Lord is my portion;
I have promised to keep Your words.

I sought Your favor with all my heart;
Be gracious to me according to Your word.

I considered my ways
And turned my feet to Your testimonies.

I hastened and did not delay
To keep Your commandments.

The cords of the wicked have encircled me,
But I have not forgotten Your law.

Psalm 119:57-61

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