Grace and Law VII: Help from John Calvin

This week John Snyder and Steve Crampton continue gaining help from John Calvin through his writings on the law. Just a reminder, we are not spending two episodes highlighting Calvin’s quotes because we idolize his words. We do, however agree with Ernie Reisinger that these particular quotes, along with much of Calvin’s writings, are clear and very helpful.

The quotes we are focusing on this week are:

The peculiar office of the Law [is] to summon consciences to the judgment-seat of God. John II:140

[On Heb. 10:1] Under the Law was shadowed forth only in rude and imperfect lines what is under the Gospel set forth in living colours and graphically distinct.  To both the same Christ is exhibited, the same righteousness, sanctification, and salvation; and the difference only is in the manner of painting or setting them forth. Heb. 222.

When Christ or the Apostles are treating of a perfect life, they always refer believers to the Law. Four Last Books of Moses III:69.

He who is the foundation of the covenant of grace, held also the highest rank in the giving of the Law. Gal. 102.

The law was the grammar of theology, which, after carrying its scholars a short way, handed them over to faith. Gal. 108.

If the Law be separated from Christ, it is a dead letter; Christ alone gives it life. Ezek. II:176, 177.

In all the ceremonies of the Law [faith] beholds the salvation which has been manifested in Christ. John ll :241.

Moses had no other intention than to invite all men to go straight to Christ. John I:217

What Calvin is illustrating in each of these quotes is that God’s law is truly a treasure to the believer. It shows us how to live a pleasing life to the God Who rescued us. It teaches us what a happy life is. It leads us to repentance. It reveals Christ to us. It makes us lean more and more heavily upon Christ.


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