Knowing Scripture V: Bridging the Cultural Divide

While the Bible is a timeless work that will be read, studied, and applied until the end of the world, we must keep in mind that it is a product of its geography, time, and culture. Not only that, but each reader who opens the Bible is a products or his or her own geography, time, and culture.

Why does it matter that we understand this? Because if we are going to be careful students of Scripture, we must keep the cultural aspects of the biblical literature in our minds. To help discuss this reality, Zach Anderson joins Dr. John Snyder to discuss chapter five of Knowing Scripture, Culture and the Bible.

Get your copy of Knowing Scripture here.

This week’s giveaway is J. C. Ryle’s Expository Thoughts on the Gospels.

Special thanks to Banner of Truth for sponsoring this giveaway.


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