A Letter From Media Gratiae Director

Dear Friends,

For the last two months I have been serving Media Gratiae in the role of director. This position has been full of encouragements and challenges. One of the greatest sources of encouragement has been you, our supporters. I consistently hear from you and pray for you. Words cannot express how grateful I am that God has used the materials of Media Gratiae to bless you and that He has led you to support our small organization.

In the last few weeks I have traveled to France and London for different projects. This was just before the United States initiated its travel ban. Fortunately, our team has not tested positive for the virus, yet. And we pray that remains the case.

However, with the current state of affairs, the likelihood of us, or some of you getting this virus is high. I wanted to reach out to you directly to let you know that I and the team are praying for you. Particularly, we have found this devotion from John Piper helpful:

Prayer is a response to promises, that is, to the assurances of God’s future grace.

Prayer is drawing on the account where God has deposited all his stores of future grace.

Prayer is not hoping in the dark that there might be a God of good intentions out there. Prayer banks on the promise of God, and goes to the bank every day and draws on stores of future grace needed for that day.

In this time, let us encourage one another to respond to God’s wisdom, faithfulness, and sovereignty through prayer. We are praying for your safety, peace, and assurance in His sovereignty. I also ask that you pray for us.

As churches have halted or postponed their small group studies, we have seen a fast drop in the purchases of our studies. This makes us all the more appreciative of your support. God is using you to sustain this ministry; we could not continue without you.

Thank you for your time, your support, and your prayer,


Stephen McCaskell

Courtney Brewer