A Letter to Our Media Gratiae Supporters

One of the biggest lessons we have sought to grasp, apply, and teach through Media Gratiae is the kind sovereignty of our Lord. That was a driving theme when we released the first Behold Your God Study, and it continues to drive us today. When times are good and the path before us seems clear, that doctrine is easier to embrace and apply. When times are hard and the path seems cloudy, it becomes more difficult to do so. However, it is in precisely such times that it becomes even more vital to our lives.

While we would not say our path is cloudy, we can certainly confess it’s been a difficult one for us.

On January 7, our founder and director Matthew Robinson submitted his resignation to the board of directors. Every employee and member of the board loves Matthew dearly and prays that God’s hand will continue to be on him in his future endeavors.

With that change, some things will be different within the daily operations of Media Gratiae. First of all, Stephen McCaskell will be serving in the role of director. Stephen was an independent filmmaker for the last seven years, creating Through the Eyes of SpurgeonLuther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer, and more. He has been working with Media Gratiae during the last two years directing and producing Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God and has been working on our upcoming project on The Church. We truly believe God has brought Stephen to us and trust he will captain the ship through this season and all the seasons to come.

Anytime a change is made in an organization, especially one as small as ours, some adjustments are apparent right away while others take time to see. One of the immediate differences you will see is the podcast. For the time being, Teddy James will be sitting next to Dr. John Snyder in the weekly podcast. Teddy has been the producer of the podcast since the very first episode, doing all the behind-the-scenes work to get each episode to you week after week.

We wanted to write this letter for two reasons. The first, to let you know about the changes in the inner-workings of Media Gratiae. The second is to ask you to pray. You are our supporters and God has used you as the means by which we are financially able to do the work we do. Many of you have let us know that you also pray for us regularly. May we ask that you pray all the more in the coming days, weeks, months, and years? 

No matter the changes that occur around or within Media Gratiae, we pray that God will give us the grace to never lose our focus of producing content for the glory of Christ and the good of His Church. May we do that with more clarity, intentionality, and humility in the days ahead.

Soli Deo Gloria,

The Media Gratiae Team and Board of Directors

Courtney Brewer