Presenting the Gospel to Children III

We’re diverging from our series on the influence of the Puritans on the Great Awakening (US) and the Evangelical Revival (UK) and focusing on God’s work of regeneration in children.

In his sermon entitled “How Little Children are Prevented from Coming to Christ,” Edward Payson emphasizes parents’ responsibilities. You can read the full sermon here. He recognized that God alone saves, but He often uses parents as a means of salvation. Payson’s sermon text is Matthew 19:14. 

Parents (or teachers, mentors, or anyone who has influence over children), do not prevent your children from coming to Christ.

Children are natural imitators. What do they see from their parents at home? Do they talk about the love of Christ? Or do they neglect Christ? It is very hard to undo the work of a godless parent on the heart of a child. Payson writes, “A chain in the hand of a demon would not more irresistibly drag them to ruin than the example of an irreligious parent.”

The true Christian yearns to effectively show their children Christ. No parent is perfect. But you should examine yourself. Are you leading your children away from Christ because you are careless? Ask the Lord to give you an honest assessment of your parenting. Whether you’ve offended God by your actions or not, run to Christ, not away from Him! Ask Him to give you grace to lead your children toward Christ.

Look at the way you view your children’s education. Do you spend more time on their education, grades, success than on their spiritual training? Do you emphasize knowing the realities of God more than the realities of mathematics?

Christ delights to save souls. If your life leads others away from Him, He will be grieved with you. If you prevent another from going to Christ, you are robbing Him of His glory.

“If you love your own soul, and the souls of your children, if you don't want to sink under the weight of their blood, and hear them curse you forever, as the authors of their ruin, be persuaded without delay to come to Christ and do all you can to bring them with you bind yourselves and them to Christ in an everlasting covenant.”

Christ’s desire is to bring sinners to Himself and He does use imperfect parents to do just that.

“O Lord, I stand here guilty of the curse and everlasting torments in hellfire when this wretched life is ended if You should deal with me according to what I deserve.
Yea Lord, I confess that it is Your mercy which endures for ever, and Your compassion which never fails; with You, O Lord, there is mercy and plenteous redemption.
I beseech You, O Lord, not only to wash away my sins with the blood of Your immaculate Lamb, but also to purge my heart by Your Holy Spirit from the dross of my natural corruptions, that I may feel Your Spirit more and more killing my sin, so that I may serve You, the everlasting God, in righteousness and holiness this day. Amen.”

This prayer by Lewis Bayly is taken from A Guide to Family Worship.


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