Recommended Reading for 2023

In years past we have given you long lists of books we recommend to fill your next year’s reading plan. This year, our list is short. The reading, however, is not. Today, we are taking a look at a few recently republished and worthwhile titles. If you already have a copy of these on your shelves, you might want to look at getting an updated copy. If you don’t already own these titles, we believe they will be a great help in the coming year.


This year, for the first time, we are gifting a few of our recommended reads to one person off our email list. If you haven’t subscribed to our mailing list, you can do so here and you will automatically be entered to win The Existence & Attributes of God, The Incomparableness of God, The Blessed and Boundless God, and The Sermons of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically!

Recommended reading for 2023:

The Blessed and Boundless God

The Incomparableness of God

Studies in Christian History and Thought: Puritan Spirituality by Stephen Yuille

The Existence and Attributes of God


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Show Notes

Listen to The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App.