Revival Documentaries with Dan Pugh

Dan Pugh has been a friend to Media Gratiae almost from our beginning. He is an independent director and filmmaker based out of Wales, UK. Over the last few years, Dan has produced two feature-length documentaries focusing on the theme of revival. The first, Revival: The Work of God was made in partnership with Reformation Heritage Books and covers the history and theology of revival.

The second project, Welsh Awakenings: The Story of God’s Work in Wales tells the story of the revivals in Wales. The tiny nation is well-known for its numerous revivals throughout the centuries. So if you have ever wanted to learn more about the theme of revival, or be exposed to what God did in Wales over the last few centuries in revival, we believe these two resources are a great place to start.


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Show Notes

Listen to The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App.