Seeking the Lord

John Snyder and Chuck Baggett continue the series on Salvation in Full Color. This week, they’re looking at a sermon on seeking the Lord by Devereux Jarratt.

Seeking the Lord
The Whole Counsel

This is the first sermon in the book where the author writes primarily of our response to God.

Devereux Jarratt was a pastor in early America. When he stayed with boarders, he was required to join in family worship where he listened to the Bible and sermons that were ready nightly. He was converted while staying with this family and soon after feels called to the ministry.

  1. The manner in which we must seek the Lord.

  2. When we should seek Him.

  3. Motives to induce us to seek the Lord.

  4. An application.

We must seek Him with our whole hearts, humbly, and as beggars.

If you’re genuinely seeking the Lord, your life will probably look strange to those around you. The Christian’s life is a paradox — because they have found what they are looking for, Christ, but they continue to seek Him because He is infinite.

Beat against the doors of heaven, in faith, until God answers.

You can read the full sermon here.


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