The Autumn of Life II: Your Pursuit Isn’t Over

This week we begin looking at the letters of Archibald Alexander to those in the autumn of their lives.

We have an enemy who whispers many lies that can be effective in slowing down the Christian’s pace or cause us to turn our eyes away from Christ. One such lie is that when the body becomes frail and weak, we don’t have anything to offer the local church. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those in the later years have a great deal to offer their local congregations and Alexander gives us some examples to look for.

Another lie leads to ungodly introspectiveness and false repentance. We can somberly look back at our lives, at the time wasted or sins committed and feel regret. But there is hope even in those circumstances. Christ can redeem even that. Alexander, in a very pastoral way, puts our gaze upon our only Hope, Christ Jesus.

At the end of this series, we are giving away a copy of Archibald Alexander’s book, Thoughts on Religious Experience, to one of our email subscribers. Click below to subscribe and enter the giveaway!


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Show Notes

Listen to The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App.