The Call of Wisdom I: How Long

Proverbs 1 tells us that “Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice.” Religious systems throughout history have taught wisdom as something often hidden and difficult to find. But Proverbs clearly tells us the opposite. Wisdom is shouting in the busiest part of the city, calling out to anyone willing to listen. The problem isn’t the availability of wisdom; it’s our willingness to hear her.

The writer of Proverbs gives us great insight not only into the call of wisdom but also the response every Christian should have to her call. This is what we will discuss over the next seven episodes. Dr. John Snyder is joined by Teddy James in this new series focusing on our response to wisdom’s call. In this introductory episode, we focus on what that call is and what we must do if we have rejected God’s call for years.

A life that walks closely with wisdom is a happy life, blessed by the presence of God. The life that rejects wisdom is filled with calamity, and God will laugh as calamity strikes. Does this make God mean and vindictive? Quite the opposite. It is out of love that God warns of this reality. We will reap what we sow. If we sow selfishness and self-rule, we will reap destruction. If we sow humble obedience to Christ, we will reap His righteousness.

That leaves us all with one question: How long?

For the Christian, how long will we dull our ears to wisdom’s call before coming to repentance and walking closely with Christ?

For the unbeliever, how long will you resist God’s gracious call to follow Him?

The good news is that if you can read Scripture and hear God’s call, it is not too late for you. Listen today, obey today, repent today.

Next week, we will begin looking at the first of six practical steps Proverbs gives us to respond to wisdom’s call.

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Show Notes

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