The Call of Wisdom III: How to Treasure

There are treasures that are placed in safety-deposit boxes, rarely seen and more rarely used. Then there are things we treasure that are used every day, and the more worn and scarred they become, the more precious they are to us.

Wisdom should be seen in the second category. It is a thing to be truly treasured by the Christian, but if it is left on the shelf and collects dust, it is worthless. We must use God’s wisdom in every aspect of life. We must welcome it in, as Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James discussed last week in our series, but we must also treasure it.

This sounds like a very spiritual thing to do. We know we should appreciate wisdom, but treasure it? To the average person, that sounds like something only academics or the spiritual giants of the past could do. But this command isn’t given just to them. It is delivered by our King to us, the common, ordinary Christian. And we must obey.

But we don’t live on an island. A healthy Christian is living in a community of other believers, and so we must help others treasure it as well. John and Teddy also give some commentary on how we can help church members and our family members walk down this path of answering wisdom’s call.

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Show Notes

Colossians 3

1 Thessalonians 2:13

Psalm 119

A Way to Pray by Matthew Henry -

Dr. Beeke’s sermon on Church and Family Life Conference -

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