The Call of Wisdom IV: Dig Out Your Ears!

Are you listening? It is a common refrain of parents to children, teachers to students, etc. But it is an incredibly important question for us to ask ourselves when it comes to wisdom’s voice. As our highlighted instruction tells us, we must be actively listening, bending our ears, or making sure our ears are cleaned out, to hear her voice.

The battle for truly listening to God’s voice is constant and fought on multiple fronts. We must realize that we live in a world filled with distractions. Furthermore, we have to keep in mind that we have an enemy who seeks to distract us. Lastly, we have an internal will that wants to distract us. With so much stacked against every Christian, it takes the work of God in our souls to make us listen attentively to His voice. So do not fall for the lie of self sufficiency and believe you can just make yourself try harder. It takes the work of God. So come out of the wilderness leaning on your Beloved.

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God Tells a Man Who Cares by A. W. Tozer -

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