The Call of Wisdom VII: Dig for Treasure

During the gold rush of the 1800’s, men packed up their families and moved out west in search of treasure. Friends and family may have thought them crazy for taking such risks on the small chance of riches. But no one would have faulted the same men if they suddenly found a vein of gold and refused to eat or sleep until they have dug to the end of that vein.

When it comes to studying Scripture, it is helpful to think of it as digging in a mine. We go where others have found treasure before, trusting that we will find it as well. But there is one major difference between those who mine the Scriptures and those who mine for gold: we are guaranteed a reward for our efforts.

God is the author of Scripture and the same Holy Spirit that worked in the lives of its human authors is living and working in every believer. But that does not mean the work of reading, studying, interpreting, and applying will be easy.

As you do the hard work of studying and praying, keep the end goal in mind. God’s ultimate purpose is not that you would have the ability, like the Puritans, to write multiple volumes on one verse of Scripture. God’s purpose in your life is for you to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. Let that aim, that goal, that purpose, be the fuel that prevents you from stopping short and getting lazy. Follow the example of Martin Luther said that he would beat against the Scriptures until he wrung out every drop of truth and application from its pages.

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