The Coming Messiah IV: God’s Description of Immanuel

There are many passages of Scripture where God describes Himself to us. This week we are focusing on four such descriptions of the coming Immanuel in Isaiah 9. Some 700 years before the incarnation of Christ, God chose to give royal titles to the One who would be born a King. He would be Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

Have you ever stopped to consider what these titles mean, and how much they can tell us about how we are to relate to our Redeemer? God made a promise not just that Immanuel would come to rescue His people, but that He would come in such a way that He would be known by these realities. Now, over 2,700 years removed from the making of this promise and 2,000 years removed from its fulfillment, what are you doing with these words?


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