The God who Searches the Heart


“The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.”

Jeremiah 17:9-10


Robert Murray M’Cheyne (1813-1843) was a young Scottish pastor in the 19th century. Though M’Cheyne lived only to the age of 29, he had a deeply impactful life, preaching, pastoring, writing, and doing the work of a missionary. His writings, sermons, and unique life of holiness continue to be an encouragement to the church today.


In the sermon, “The Heart Deceitful,” from Sermons of Robert Murray M’Cheyne, he writes:

I, the Lord.” We have seen that we do not know one another’s hearts; for “the heart is deceitful.” Man looketh on the outward appearance. We have seen that no man knows his own heart—that the most know nothing of what is there, and those who know most, see but a short way down. But here is an unerring witness. He that made man knows what is in man.

Observe what a strict witness He is: “I, the Lord, search the heart, I try the reins.” It is not said, I know the heart—but, I search it. The heart of man is not one of the many objects upon which God turns His all-seeing eye, but it is one which He singles out for investigation: “I search the heart.” … Oh! Natural man, can you bear this? How vain are all your pretenses and coverings! God sees you as you are. You may deceive your neighbor, or your minister, or yourself—but you cannot deceive God.

Observe, He is a constant witness. He does not say, I have searched, or I will do it—but, I search—I do it now, and always. Not a moment of our life but His pure, calm, searching eye has been gazing on the inmost recesses of our hearts. From childhood to old age His eye rests on us. The darkness hideth not from Him. The darkness and light are both alike to Him.

Observe His end in searching: “Even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.” In order to know the truth or value of an action, you must search the heart. Many a deed that is applauded by men is abominable in the sight of God, who searches the heart…The reason, then, why Christ searches the hearts is that He may judge uprightly in the judgment. Oh, sirs! How can you bear this, you that are Christless? How can you bear that eye on your heart all your days, and to be judged according to what His pure eye sees in you?

Learn the amazing love of Christ. He was the only one that knew the wickedness of the beings for whom He died. He that searches the hearts of sinners died for them. His eye alone had searched their hearts; ay, was searching at the time He came. He knew what was in men; yet He did not abhor them on that account—He died for them. It was not for any goodness in man that He died for them. He saw none. It was not that He saw a little sin in the heart of man. He is the only being in the universe that saw all the sin that is in the unfathomable heart of man. He saw to the bottom of that volcano—and yet He died for man.

Herein is love! When publicans and sinners came to Him on earth, He knew what was in their hearts. His eye had rested on their bosoms all their life—He had seen all the lusts and passions that had ever rankled there; yet in no wise did He cast them out. So with you. His eye hath seen all your sins—the vilest, darkest, blackest hours you have lived, His pure eye was resting on you; yet He died for such, and invites you to come to Him; and will in no wise cast you out.