The Jaw-Dropping Beauty of Jesus
This week, John is joined by a long-time friend and fellow minister, Jordan Thomas. You may recognize Jordan as a contributor to the studies Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically and Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty.
John and Jordan are going to spend the next few weeks discussing the descriptions of Jesus found in the book of Hebrews. This week's discussion focuses on Hebrews 1 and the 34 descriptions of Jesus in those 14 verses.
Hebrews is one long sermon, one long look at the beauty and majesty of Christ.
If you want to hear from God, listen to His Son. God has infinite delight in His Son. John tells us that the same love which the Father has for the Son, the Son has for us!
10 Descriptions of Christ from the inspired human author (x10; vv. 1-4):
(1) v. 2 — Definitive voice of God
(2) v. 2 — Heir of all
(3) v. 2 — Maker of all
(4) v. 3 — Radiance of God’s glory
(5) v. 3 — Exact representation of God’s nature
(6) v. 3 — Upholds all by His word
(7) v. 3 — Purifier of sins
(8) v. 3 — Sat down (Priestly work complete)
(9) v. 3 — Co-equal w/Father in Majesty
(10) v. 4 — Better than totality of angels; v. 4 —Inheritor of more excellent Name
24 Descriptions of Christ from the Father (x24; vv. 5-14):
(1) v. 5 — My Son (Ps. 2:7)
(2) v. 5 — Today begotten
(3) v. 5 — I will be a Father to Him (2 Sam 7:14)
(4) v. 5 — He will be a Son to Me
(5) v. 6 — All angels worship Him (Ps 97:7)
(6) v. 8 — Inhabits everlasting throne (Ps 45:6)
(7) v. 8 — You are God
(8) v. 8 — You are King
(9) v. 8 — Righteous ruler/scepter
(10) v. 9 — Lover of righteousness (Ps 45:7)
(11) v. 9 — Hater of sin
(12) v. 9 — God is Thy God
(13) v. 9 — Anointed by God (Isa 61:3)
(14) v. 9 — Happiest of all
(15) v. 10 — You are LORD (Ps 102:25)
(16) v. 10 — You are forever
(17) v. 10 — You are Creator of earth (Ps 102:26)
(18) v. 10 — You are Creator of heaven
(19) v. 11 — You are indestructible (Isa 51:6)
(20) v. 12 — You will effect consummation (Ps 102:26-27)
(21) v. 12 — You are immutable
(22) v. 12 — You are eternal
(23) v. 13 — Enthroned at God’s right hand (Ps 110:1)
(24) v. 13 — Father will make enemies Thy footstool
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