Union with Christ VIII: The Foundation of Adoption

This week, Dr. John Snyder is joined again by Acey Floyd to continue discussing the Christian’s union with Jesus Christ. If Jesus were only our kinsman redeemer, high priest, and propitiation, that would be more than anything we could dream of. But Scripture goes further and tells us He is also our elder brother. We are joint heirs with Him. This is a reality that, if we were merely told it by a preacher, we would say he was going too far. But we can read those very words in Hebrews 12.

So what does this relationship with Christ have to do with adoption, and what effect does adoption have on our Christian lives? Everything. Adoption is how we can be certain that our relationship with God isn’t based on our merits or on our progressive sanctification. Our relationship with Him is as certain as His relationship to Jesus. Even though Jesus is begotten and not adopted, the Father is still pleased to call us His children. That will never change because it is based on Himself and upon the work of Jesus Christ.

We have mentioned this book throughout this series, but if you have not gotten a copy of John Murray’s Redemption Accomplished and Applied, let us encourage you to find a copy and read it. Then read it again. Then read it again. It has been a tremendous blessing to us, and we believe it will be a help to you as well.

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Show Notes

Exposition of Chapter 6: The New Man by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/sermons-and-expositions/romans-6/

Listen to The Whole Counsel a day early on the Media Gratiae App.