This week, you can listen to the first session from Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty: Knowing the God Who is Incomprehensible.
Read MoreThis week, we are sharing part three of Richard Owen Roberts’ full interview footage from Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically.
Read MoreThis week, we are sharing part two of Conrad Mbewe’s full interview footage from Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically.
Read MoreThis week we are showing part 2 of Paul Washer’s interview from Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically. In it, we ask him about personal holiness, idolatry in churches, and more. We pray it is a blessing to you.
Read MoreThis week we conclude our series on 2 Corinthians 2:12-6:10. As we have mentioned before, this passage is the longest autobiographical writing we have of Paul. He concludes this small autobiography by commending himself to the Christians of Corinth.
Read MoreThis week, we come to 2 Corinthians 5. In this passage, Paul describes the thoughts and ambitions that fill his soul.
Read MoreModern Christians may not be called to suffer in the same ways Paul did, but God still intends to use our weakness as an indisputable billboard for His power.
Read MoreThe glorious reality is that God is sufficient—the gospel is sufficient—to change the lives of those around us and sustain us even in our weakest moments. We pray this week’s episode is an encouraging balm to your soul.
Read MoreWhat do we do when we feel ourselves becoming downcast? We can take the same path Paul took in holding firm to the glorious descriptions of Jesus found in Scripture.
Read MoreNavigating the Classics is a quarterly podcast series that offers a modern guide to the books that shaped Christianity.
Read MoreChrist is spread from life-to-life, not library-to-library or podcast-to-podcast. It takes us living the life of holiness before those God brings into our paths. Our lives must affirm and confirm the gospel truths we speak of.
Read MoreWhether Paul experienced encouragement and perceived success during his missionary journeys, or he was chained in a Roman prison, he had one confidence, one thing to boast in: Jesus Christ.
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