Christ is the way through whom the soul hath admittance to God, and without whom it is impossible that so much as one desire should come into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.
Read MoreAll of humanity is born being united to Adam. With that union has come the unwelcomed companion of death. But the Christian has a new representative: Jesus Christ. Our union with Him provides life and life eternal. How it is that a human being is united to the eternal God contains much mystery, but it is a beautiful reality worthy of much reflection and meditation. This week Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd continue examining theme by looking at the metaphors God gives us throughout the New Testament.
Read MoreEven if sin did not bear such bitter fruit, even if death did not grow on this tree, a gracious soul would forsake it out of love for God.
Read MoreUnion with Christ doesn’t begin after we have reached a certain point of spiritual maturity. Jesus doesn’t wait until we know Him “well enough” to unite Himself with us. Our union with Him was decreed by the Father in eternity past and is experienced by every Christian from the moment of conversion, through every scene of life, upon death, and into our eternal rest.
Read MoreKnowing God is the great jewel of Christianity. Though we are thankful for the many other gifts that have come from the cross of Christ, those gifts all lead back to this great source—the knowledge of Christ Himself.
Read MoreJohn Snyder and Acey Floyd start a new series about the Christian’s union with Christ. If Jesus is not God, as some have claimed, our union with Him would be worthless. If He is not human, as others have claimed, our union with Him would be impossible.
Read MoreOur redemption is founded upon the joint agreement of all three persons of the trinity.
Read MoreLong-time friend and faithful brother Jeremy Walker introduces us to a ministry is Lusaka Zambia that exists to educate, evangelize, and disciple orphaned children. See how you can pray for and support the work there.
Read MoreRest upon this, that God has countless ways that you know nothing of to bring about your deliverance.
Read MoreThis week, Dr. John Snyder and Teddy James will wrap up our series on a talk given by Hudson Taylor to several missionaries in the late 19th century. His main emphasis throughout the talk was the significance of the missionaries living a life that aligns with their teaching.
Read MoreIt stands to reason that the darling of heaven would not have died to save us if we could have been rescued at less expense.
Read MoreDr. John Snyder and Teddy James continue walking through a talk given by Hudson Taylor to his missionaries in the late 1800s. This week we focus on the reality that pursuing holiness is ultimately for God’s glory. But it can be used by God to protect the lives of those we love, especially from false teaching.
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