The Nature and Necessity of Regeneration

A Sermon by John Dickinson

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, Verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God” (John 3:3).

THESE Words were occasion'd by a Visit made to our blessed Saviour, by Nicodemus a Ruler among the Jews, who being convinc'd by the miraculous Works which Christ had wrought, that he was divinely inspired, was probably now enquiring of him the Way of Sal∣vation. This Answer seems therefore to be given, to obviate all his false Apprehensions and vain Hopes of Acceptance with God, by any outward Privileges or Performances; and to shew him, that there must be a great Change wrought in the Heart of every one, that would be a Partaker of the future Glory. Such a Change as is of the Nature of a new Creation; and may be aptly compared to being born again. Our Lord assures him by a repeated Asseveration, (thereby to awaken his most serious Attention) that this Change is so absolutely necessary, that without it, no Man shall ever see the Kingdom of God.—This Doctrine was taught Nicodemus, not as a Concern peculiar to himself, but as what equally referred to all Men, without Distinc∣tion. It therefore as much affects us as it did him, and is of the greatest Importance to us all, since no less than our eternal Welfare depends upon it. Let us then consider

1. What we are to understand by the Kingdom of God, which no unregenerate Man can ever see.

2. What we are to understand by being born again, without which we cannot see the Kingdom of God.

3. Whence this Change which our Saviour here speaks of, is called a new Birth. And

4. Whence it is so, that the unregenerate can∣not see the Kingdom of God.

1. I am first then to consider, what we are to understand by the Kingdom of God, which an unregenerate Man cannot see.

I must here observe, that there is a twofold Interpretation of these Words, (the Kingdom of God) according to the different Sense, in which they are elsewhere used in Scripture.

1. Some understand them to signify the King∣dom of Grace; or that spiritual Kingdom, which our Lord was erecting here in the World. In that Sense, we are to consider them as being of the same Tendency, as if our blessed Saviour had said to Nicodemus, You come to me as to a Teacher sent from God; and seem willing to become one of my Disciples and Followers; and to be a Member of my spiritual Kingdom. But I assure you this cannot be, while you remain in your present State. None can be acknow∣ledged as real Members of that spiritual and heavenly Kingdom which God is now setting up, who have not experienced so great a Change of Heart, as may be aptly called a new Birth.

The Words being thus understood, plainly shew, that we cannot be Christians indeed, we cannot be vital Members of Christ's mystical Body; nor Partakers of the saving Benefits of his Redemption, whilst unregenerate. But,

2. I chuse to understand the Words of the Kingdom of Glory. And in that View, they are to be consider'd, as if our blessed Lord had said to Nicodemus, You seem desirous to know how you may secure a Title to the heavenly Glory; and it is therefore necessary immediately to in∣form you, that it is not your high Birth nor external Privileges, it is not your Conformity to the ceremonial Law; nor your acknowledging me to be a Teacher sent from God, that will en∣title you to that Glory and Happiness: But I would have you receive it as a most certain and important Truth, that no Man can ever be Par∣taker of that glorious Inheritance, except he first experience so great a Change of Heart and Life, as will be like coming into a new World; and may be fitly compar'd to his being born again. In this Sense the following Scriptures are neces∣sarily to be understood. Mark ix. 47. It is better for thee to enter into the Kingdom of God with one Eye, than having two Eyes, to be cast into Hell Fire. Luk. xiii. 28. There shall be Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the Kingdom of God; and you yourselves thrust out. So likewise verse 29.. with Acts xiv. 20. and many other Places.

This Interpretation of these Words appears most agreeable, because Nicodemus (how ignorant soever of the new Birth) seems to have understood what our Lord meant by the Kingdom of God; and to be affected with the Danger of coming short of it. Whereas, if our blessed Saviour had spoken to him of his spiritual Kingdom in this World, he could not have understood him; but would have been at as great a Loss to have found out his Meaning in this, as in the other Part of his Discourse. In this Sense therefore Nicodemus did understand the Words; and in this Sense, our blessed Lord design'd that he should understand 'em. For in the other Sense, he could have known Nothing at all of their Meaning. — Besides, it was probably his Concern for an Interest in the Kingdom of Glory, (and not of the Kingdom of Grace, which he knew so little about) that prompted Nicodemus to this Conference with our blessed Saviour. To this Concern, if not to some previous Question about the Way of Salvation, our Lord accommodates his Answer; and shews him the necessary Qualification for that eternal Salvation, he was solicitous about.

But the Consequence is the same, whether we fix upon the one, or the other of these Interpretations. For they who cannot be Members of the Kingdom of Grace, can never be Partakers of the Kingdom of Glory. We must be qualified for that State; or utterly unqualified for this.— This awakening Lesson is therefore taught us by both these Explications, that without Regeneration there can be no Salvation: We must become new Creatures, or perish eternally: An awful Thought! O that it were duly consider'd and laid to Heart, by a stupid Generation of Men, who live at Ease and Security in a State of Nature, and consequently in a State of Wrath and Perdition! This is a Thought that must have its Influence upon them, either now while they have a Day of Grace, or hereafter, when they experience the Truth of these Words, by their Exclusion from the Kingdom of God. I proceed to consider

II. What we are to understand by being BORN AGAIN, without which we cannot see the Kingdom of God.

To illustrate this Point, I shall first give a general Description of this important Change, and then particularly consider the several Bran∣ches of that Description.

Regeneration is a new spiritual and supernatural Principle, wrought by the Spirit of God in all the Faculties of the Soul, enclining and enabling unto the Exercise of a Life of Faith in Christ; and new Obedience to God. To be more particular.

1. I consider Regeneration as being a new Principle. And thus the Scripture considers it. It is accordingly called the Seed of GOD, (1 Joh. iii. 9) the new Man (Col. iii. 10. the divine Nature; (2 Pet. i. 4) and the incorruptible Seed (1 Pet. i. 23) All which Expressions plainly signify a new Principle of Action.—Our original Apostacy, has brought such an universal Depravation upon all the Faculties of the Soul, that the whole Head is sick; and the whole Heart faint, the whole Nature Guilt and Defilement, all the Affections and Passions alienated from the Life of God; and the carnal Mind Enmity unto him. What therefore but corrupt Streams, can flow from such a poison'd Fountain? How can they that are in the Flesh, ever please God? How can they that are dead in Trespasses and Sins, perform any vital Actions? Can the Fig-tree, my Brethren, bear Olive Berries, or the Vine Figs? So can no Fountain yield both salt Water and fresh. Either make the Tree good; that the Fruit may be good; or the Tree will be corrupt, and his Fruit corrupt. There is a natural Necessity, that all the Actions of an unregenerate Person, should partake of the Quality of those carnal sinful Dispositions and Affections, from whence they flow. And there is the same Necessity, that we be renewed in the Spirit of our Minds; and obtain a new Source and Spring of Action; or as our Lord expresseth it, a new Treasure of the Heart, in Order to our living acceptably to God here, or enjoying him hereafter.—There can be no Kind or Degree of moral Behaviour, no external Acts of Obedience, no Appearances of Piety and Devotion accepted of God, while our Hearts are estranged from him. The Lord looketh on the Heart. And what is the Heart of an unregenerate Man? The Scriptures tell us it is deceitful above all Things; and desperately wicked. Jer. xvii. 1. Whence its of last Necessity, that a new Heart be given us; and a new Spirit put within us, in order to our walking in GOD'S Statutes; and keeping his Judgments to do them (Ezek. xxxvi. 26, 27) Its of Necessity, that we are created anew in Christ Jesus unto Good Works, if we would walk in them (Eph. ii. 10) It is of Necessity, that God puts his Law in our Minds; and writes them in our Hearts, in Order to his being our GOD; and we his People (Heb: viii. 10)—Let no Man my Brethren, deceive you with vain Words. You must not only have a new external Conversation; but a new vital Principle, if you would be the Children of God indeed. You must be quickned, who are dead in Trespasses and Sins. You must hear the Voice of the Son of GOD and live; and partake of that Life, which is the Light of Men. You must put off the old Man; and put on the new Man, which after GOD, is created in Knowledge and true Holiness; or else you are never like to see the Kingdom of GOD.

2. I describe Regeneration to be a spiritual and supernatural Principle. And thus likewise doth the Scripture describe it. That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit (Joh. iii. 6) Of his own Will begat he us (Jam. i. 18) This Change is wrought by the exceeding Greatness of his Power; and according to the Working of his mighty Power (Eph. i. 19)—I know that there are some, that call themselves Christians, who pretend that this Change is the Effect of moral Suasion only: And that it is only thro' the Prevalence of outward Means upon their Minds, that Men are excited to become new Creatures, by the Improvement of their natural Abilities, in the Exercise of moral Virtues; and religious Duties. That (according to them) the whole Work of Regeneration and progressive Sanctification, is but the Improvement of those Powers, which are given in common to all, that enjoy the Ordinances of the Gospel. Tho' they will in Words acknowledge our Want of divine Assistance, in Order to this Change, they seem to allow no more of the peculiar and immediate Influences of the blessed Spirit, in this great Concern, than in the common and ordinary Occasions of Life, How loath are poor proud Worms, to give God the Glory, of his glorious free Grace and divine Operations! How willing to think well of themselves; and therefore to slight and reproach all those Experiences of the divine Power upon the Soul, which they themselves are unacquainted with!—But how doth the Scriptures, how doth most clear and evident Experience represent this Case to us?— Are we not by Nature spiritually dead? (Eph. ii. 1) Can a dead Man by the Force of any Persuasion, be prevailed upon, to reassume his Life and vital Actions? Are we not naturally without Strength? (Rom. v. 6) And can the Force of Persuasion prevail with an enfeebled Cripple, or an enervated Paralitick, to arise and walk? Are we not naturally blind? (2 Cor. iv. 4) And can the Power of Persuasion, enable a blind Man to open his Eyes and see? Are not our Minds naturally, not only Enemies; but Enmity itself unto GOD? (Rom. viii. 7) And can mere Persuasion change all the Powers, Faculties, and Dispositions of the Mind from Enmity to Friendship, from Hatred to Love; and from an habitual Opposition to Godliness, unto a Delight in the Ways of God? Are we not naturally polluted and guilty Creatures? (Rom. iii. 12) And can any Methods of mere Persuasion, bring a clean Thing out of an unclean; or bring a guilty Rebel into an Estate of Innocence, or into Peace and Favour with God? How vain are such Pretences! How inconsistent and absurd must they appear to any Man, who believes the Doctrine of original Sin, as it is taught us by the Scriptures and our own Experience!—By this View of the Case, we may plainly see, that there must be a supernatural and divine Energy exerted, in this new Creation. We must be made willing in the Day of Christ's Power (Psal. cx. 3) God must work in us both to will and to do, of his own good Pleasure, (Phil. ii. 13) It is a great and wonderful Change, that Regeneration makes, too great for all the Men upon Earth, or Angels in Heaven to effect; and is therefore ascribed to the same mighty Power, which was wrought in Christ, when he was raised from the Dead (Eph. i. 20)—This Truth is not only confirmed to us by the Word of God; but by our continued Observation and Experience. Don't we daily see the Unsuccesfulness of all Attempts to persuade Men to turn and live? Don't we daily see what becomes of all the good Purposes and Resolutions, which Men take up in their own Strength; and wear off again as soon as the Din of Conscience is out of their Ears? And don't we see how effectual the Work proves, when God himself undertakes it? How sudden and unexpected it often is in its Beginning; and how permanent in its blessed Effects and Fruits? How then doth it concern us all, to maintain a deep Impression of our own Impotence, to lye at the Foot of God's sovereign Grace, to ascribe the whole Glory of this great Work to his mere good Pleasure and almighty Power; and to experience this supernatural Change in our own Hearts; For it will certainly be found in the Conclusion, that none but those who are born again, by the special Influences of supernatural omnipotent Grace, shall ever see the Kingdom of GOD.

3. I have consider'd this new Birth, to be a Principle wrought in us, by the immediate Influences of God's Holy Spirit. And thus likewise it is consider'd by the Word of God. That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. So is every one that is born of the Spirit. Except a Man be born of Water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD (Joh. iii. 5, 6, 8) It is the Spirit that giveth Life (2 Cor. iii. 6) We are changed into the divine Image, by the Spirit of the LORD (2 Cor. iii. 18)—It is true, this Work is sometimes ascribed unto the Father. No Man can come unto me, except it (the Power) were given unto him of my Father (Joh. vi. 6 5) And it is sometimes ascribed unto the Son. Thy People shall be willing in the Day of thy Power (Psal. cx: 3) And it is necessarily true, that each Person in the God head, is the Author of every Work of God; because each Person is the same divine Nature; and therefore the same undivided Principle of Operation. But the Order of Operation among the distinct Persons of the Trinity, follows the Order of their Subsistence. The Foundation or Fountain of all Grace to Mankind, is the Love of God the Father▪ The meritorious or procuring Cause of all Grace, is Jesus Christ our Savior; and the Application of all special Grace to Souls, is by the Holy Ghost.— So that when this Work of Regeneration is ascribed to the Father, we must remember that he quickneth us by his Spirit. (Rom. viii. 7) When it is ascribed unto the Son, we must also consider, that he works this glorious Change, by sending the Comforter to convince of Sin, of Righteousness, and of Judgment (Joh. xvi. 7, 8) And that the whole Work of our Sanctification, whether initial in our Regeneration, or progressive in the Consequences and Fruits of it, is by the Holy Ghost. Being sanctified by the Holy Ghost (Rom. xv. 16)

If it be enquired, in what Manner the Holy Spirit operates, in procuring this Change? I answer, The Manner of his Operations, are like his glorious Nature, infinitely above us. These Things of God knoweth no Man; but the Spirit of GOD. But if this be consider'd, with Respect to the Influence that his Operations have upon our Minds, the Change is wrought by Illumi∣nation. He shines into our Hearts, to give the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of GOD, in the Face of Jesus Christ. 2 Cor. iv. 6. The new Man is renewed in Knowledge, after the Image of him that created him. Col. iii. 10. It is with open Face, beholding as in a Glass the Glory of the LORD: that we are changed into the same Image. 2 Cor. iii. 18.—The Spirit of GOD dissipates the Darkness and Stupidity of the Mind, and gives such a lively realizing and sensible View of divine Things, as proves a Principle of spiritual Life and Operation; and actuates all the Powers and Faculties of the Soul, unto a Conformity to God; as I have more particularly considered elsewhere. The Operations therefore of the blessed Spirit, in our new Creation, are in their Effects upon our Souls, always sensible and discernible; and always felt by all that have them; tho' it be with many, the greatest Difficulty to distinguish their Quality; and to know whether they are, or are not of a saving Efficacy.

This then is of vast Concernment to every one of us, that we do experience the Operations of the blessed Spirit upon our Hearts: That we have such a feeling Impression of our Guilt, Misery and Impotence, as makes us reject all Confidence in the Flesh: That we have such a sensible View of the Excellency and Sufficiency of Jesus Christ, as inclines us to receive him upon his own Terms; such a View of the glorious Perfections of the divine Nature, as prompts us to love God above all; and to trust our Souls in his merciful Hands; such a Discovery of the Beauty of Holiness, as inclines us to be Holy in all Manner of Conversation and Godliness; and such a lively Apprehension of the eternal World, as makes us look not to the Things which are seen and temporal; but to the Things which are unseen and eternal.—However Men may deceive themselves with their Reformations and moral Attainments, if they have not the Spirit of Christ, they are none of his.—But of this more particularly under the next Head.

4. I have described Regeneration, as being a new Principle, in all the Powers and Faculties of the Soul. Thus also is the new Creature described in the Scriptures. Old Things are passed away; behold all Things are become new. (2 Cor. v. 17)—If this were consider'd with Respect to each of the intellectual Powers, it will be found that they are all become new, when this Change is wrought in the Soul.

Thus with Respect to the Understanding, it is not only enlarged by Regeneration; but renewed. Whence we read 1 Joh. v. 20. The Son of GOD is come; and hath given us an Understanding, that we may know him. Implying, that we had no Understanding whereby we could know him before. So likewise we are told, that the Eyes of our Un∣derstanding are enlightened, that we may know what is the Hope of his Calling (Eph. i. 18) Without this Illumination, the natural Man cannot receive the Things of the Spirit of GOD; for they are Foolishness unto him, neither can he know them; because they are spiritually discern'd (1 Cor. ii. 14) There is therefore a new and divine Light shining into the Soul, in Regeneration, enabling us to see Things in another Manner, than we ever did or could do before; and giving us a more sensible Apprehension of God, of Jesus Christ, and of the Concerns of the eternal World, than we could before attain to. As I have already observed.

In Consequence of this, the Will is also re-newed. And the Person that before saw no Form nor Comeliness in Christ, that he should desire him; and therefore would not come to him that he might have Life, has by Regeneration, such a Discovery of his own Necessities and Christ's Excellencies, as bows his Will to the Obedience of Christ, to a hearty Compliance with the Gospel Offer.— The Person who before was obstinately bent upon the Gratification of his Lusts and Idols, who loved Strangers; and after them would go, has by his new Birth, such a Discovery of the Evil of Sin, as makes him renounce his Lusts and Idols with Abhorrence; and groan after Deliverance from their remaining Power and Tyranny. The Person who before, would venture Soul and Body, Time and Eternity, rather than maintain a Life of Religion, and a close Walk with God; has by this wonderful Change, such a Discovery of the Pleasantness and Peace, that are to be found in the Ways of Wisdom, that he prefers a Life of Piety and Communion with God, to all the Profits of the World; and Pleasures of Sense. Thus are we made willing in the Day of Christ's Power.

I must add, the Affections also are renewed, when this Change is wrought in the Soul. They who are risen with Christ, have their Affections set upon the Things that are above, where Christ Jesus sits at the right Hand of GOD (Col. iii. 1, 2)

They have new Desires. Tho' they were before for fulfiling the Desires of the Flesh, they are now above all Things desirous of the Favour of God, of an Interest in his Son, the Graces of his Spirit; and a continued Progress in Faith and Holiness, until made meet for the final Gratification of all their Desires, in the Enjoyment of God forever. It is the Language of a regenerate Soul in Psal. lxxiii. 25. Whom have I in Heaven but thee; and there is none upon Earth, that I desire besides thee.

They have new Delights. Tho' they before delighted in their Lusts and Pleasures, Mirth and Vanity, they now delight in the Law of the Lord, after the inward Man (Rom. vii. 22)

They have new Joys. Their temporal Acquisitions are no more the principal Matter of their Rejoicing; but they rejoice in GOD'S Salvation; and in the Hope of his Glory. This is the Subject of their chiefest Joy, when they find themselves in a truly joyful Frame. They rejoice in Christ Jesus, without Confidence in the Flesh (Phil. iii. 3)

They have new Hopes. They have renounced their former vain Confidences; and can no longer build their Hopes upon the sandy Foundation of their own Righteousness, religious Attainments, Purposes or Promises; but they now hope, not from what they do or suffer for Christ; but from what he has done and suffered for them, not from their Promises to him; but from his Promises to them. Christ Jesus is their Hope. (1 Tim. i. 1) Christ in them is their Hope of Glory (Col. i. 27)

Their Appetites are renewed, that the covetous Miser is no longer like the Horse-leach, crying, Give, Give, no longer eagerly seeking great Things for himself; but labouring to content himself with the Disposals of Providence, he is seeking those Things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right Hand of GOD (Col. iii. 1) And thus the Epicure is brought to refrain his inordinate Pursuit of sensual Pleasure, the Drunkard to abhor his Cups; and the unclean Person his lascivious Lusts. For they that are Christ's, have crucified the Flesh, with its Affections and Lusts, Gal. v. 24:

Their Passions are likewise renewed. That they no longer indulge the Fruits of the Flesh, which are Hatred, Variance, Emulations, Wrath and Strife; but live in the Exercise of the Fruits of the Spirit, which are Love, Joy, Peace, Long-Suffering, Goodness and Meekness (Gal. v. 20. 21)

The Bent and Bias of their Thoughts, and their habitual Course of Meditation, is changed and become new. They are no longer carnally minded, which is Death; but spiritually minded, which is Life and Peace (Rom. viii: 6)—So great a Change does Regeneration always make, in the whole Soul! These blessed Fruits of this new vital Principle, are all of them experienced, in a greater or lesser Degree, by everyone that is born of God. Let no Man therefore delude his Soul with airy Dreams of a safe State, until he has had some Experience of this Change, in every particular Instance.—What a Pity it is, that any of you should feed upon Ashes, entertain a deluded Hope; and at last be found with a Lye in your right Hands!—What a Pity, that you who have now such glorious Advantages in your Hands, should at last be shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven.

5. I have described Regeneration, as a new Principle, inclining and enabling the Soul to the Exercise of Faith in Christ. And thus likewise do the Scriptures consider it. Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of GOD. He that believeth on the Son of GOD, hath the Witness in himself (1 Joh. v. 1. 10) But as many as received him, to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his Name, which were born not of Blood, nor of the Will of the Flesh, nor of the Will of Man; but of GOD (Joh. i. 12, 13)—Faith in Christ is the first Motion, or vital Act of the new Creature, the first Grace which is exercised in the renewed Soul, Tho' Regeneration be consider'd, as being in order of Nature previous to Faith; yet in order of Time, they are always together. The same Time that the Eyes of the Soul are opened, they look to Jesus, as the Author of our eternal Salvation. The same Time that this new Creature is form'd, it lives; and acts Faith in the Son of God. Whence we are said to be created in Christ (Eph. ii. 10) i. e. to be immediately united to him by Faith, at our new Creation. Upon this Account, the new Birth and Faith in Christ are spoken of in Scripture, as mutually implying each other.—The divine Light which shines into the Soul in Regeneration not only gives a feeling Apprehension of our own lost and perishing Condition: But such a View of Christ's Readiness to save; and his abundant Fulness to supply all our Wants, as constrains us to consent to the Gospel Offer; and encourages us to trust all our Interests in his Hands. This Discovery, brings the Soul to a hearty Assent to the Truth of the Gospel, a cheerful Consent to the Terms of the Gospel; and a steady Reliance upon Christ, as the only Foundation of our Hope.— It brings the Soul to receive him in all his Offices, as our Prophet to teach and guide us by his Council, as our Priest to atone for our Offences; and to be our Righteousness before God, as our King to sanctify our Souls; and to rule and reign in our Hearts. — It brings the Soul to receive him, notwithstanding any Difficulties that may attend the Christian Life; and to submit, not only to wear his yoke; but to take up his Cross and follow him. — This receiving of Christ unites us to him, as the Branch is united to the Vine. Whence by a vital Union to this Stock, we receive future Supplies of Life and Nourishment from him; and are enabled to live in the Exercise of all the Graces of the Spirit of God; and to glorify our heavenly Father, by bringing forth much Fruit, By these new Supplies received from Christ, the Believer walks by Faith; and not by Sight (2 Cor. v. 7) And the Life which he now lives in the Flesh, is by the Faith of the Son of GOD (Gal. ii. 20.)

Thus it appears to be of last Consequence to everyone, to have this Witness in himself, that he is born of God. For without Faith it is impossible to please GOD. (Heb. xi. 5) He that believes not shall be damned (Mark xvi. 16)—With what solemn Care and Sollicitude should we then see to it, that we build our eternal Hope upon no other Foundation than the Lord Jesus Christ, that we fly for Refuge to this Hope set before us, that we heartily comply with the Offer he makes of himself and his saving Benefits; and are found in him, not having on our own Righteousness which is of the Law; but that which is thro' the Faith of Christ, the Righteousness which is of GOD by Faith. It will be amazing beyond all Apprehension, to be found among Unbelievers in the Day of Christ; and with them to be shut out of the Kingdom of God.

6. I consider Regeneration as a Principle of new Obedience to God. And thus likewise doth the Scriptures consider it. He that hath this Hope in him, purifieth himself as he is pure (1 Joh. iii. 3) Whosoever is born of GOD, doth not commit Sin; for his Seed remaineth in him; and he cannot Sin, because he is born of GOD (verse 9) — It is a false and groundless Calumny, to represent this Doctrine under Consideration, or the Professors of it, as opening a Door to Licentiousness, or encouraging Men to Sin, that Grace may abound. The Case is quite otherwise. And this Principle of which I speak, is a continued Source of vital Piety, a living Fountain of Holiness both in Heart and Life. He that is born of GOD, hates every false Way, maintains a strict Watch over his Affections, Appetites, Passions, Words and Actions, cuts off his right Hand and Foot; and plucks out his right Eye, when they offend him, maintains no Reserve of secret and darling Lusts; but abhors and rejects them all, and groans under the Burthen of his remaining Corruptions, with such Language as that (Rom. vii. 24) O wretched Man that I am, who shall deliver me from the Body of this Death.

He that is truly regenerate, watches at Christ's Gates; and waits at the Posts of his Doors. He conscientiously endeavors to be found in a sincere and acceptable Performance of every known Duty; and to walk in all the Commandments and Ordinances of the Lord blameless. For he has inclined his Heart to keep GOD'S Statutes always, even unto the End (Psal. cxix. 112)

He that is born of God, is of a kind, charitable, forgiving and beneficial Spirit towards his Neighbor; and has a peculiar Love of Complacency to all of whatever Denomination, that appear to be the Children of God. By this we know, that we are passed from Death to Life, because we love the Brethren. He that loveth not his Brother, abideth in Death (1 Joh. iii. 14)

He that is born again, is a Man of strictest Justice and Honesty, in all his Dealings, and will by no Temptation, be led into the Practice of Violence, or known Fraud and Deceit towards his Neighbour; knowing that GOD is the Avenger of all such (1 Thess. iv. 6)

He that is born again, endeavors to fill up every Relation, with Duty; and to demean himself in each Station he sustains, whether sacred, civil, or domestic; and in each Circumstance of Life, whether superior, inferior, or equal, as becomes the excellent Religion he professes; and the Vocation by which he is called — In a Word, he herein exercises himself, to have always a Conscience void of Offence towards GOD; and towards Man (Acts xxiv. 16)—It is true, there will a great deal of sinful Imperfection accompany his highest Attainments, but this is his Grief and Burthen. This is what he neither does, nor can approve and indulge.

These my Brethren, are the Characters of every Child of God; and they who have them them not, whatever Pretences they may make to Religion, whatever Progress they may make in Shews of Devotion, whatever internal Experiences they may pretend to, are yet in a State of Death; and Heirs of eternal Destruction and Misery. For whosoever doth not Righteousness, is not of GOD; nor he that loveth not his Brother 1 Joh. iii. 10.—From whence it appears with the strongest Evidence, that without these Marks of the regenerate State, you cannot see the Kingdom of GOD.

I now proceed to consider,

III. Whence it is, that the Change under Consideration is called a new Birth; or a being born again. To illustrate this, I shall briefly take Notice of a few Particulars wherein the Propriety of this Mode of speaking will evidently appear.

1. It may be called a new Birth because it brings a Person into a new State of Existence. As the Birth of an Infant brings it into a new World; and into a State in every Respect altogether new. So in the Case before us, Regeneration is the Renewal of the whole Soul; and therefore brings a Man in all spiritual Respects, into a new Kind or State of Being. On this Account, it is called in Scripture the new Creature; or the new Man. Not that we are to suppose, there is hereby given us any other Powers or Faculties of the Soul, than we had before; but that those Powers which we had before, are made spiritually new. It is not a natural; but a moral and spiritual new Birth. He that was before in a State of Guilt, has now by Regeneration, his Heart sprinkled from an evil Conscience. He that was before under the damning Sentence of the Law, shall now no more enter into Condemnation. He that was before a Child of Wrath, is now at Peace with God; and made nigh by the Blood of Christ. He that was before altogether Pollution and Defilement, is now washed and sanctified, in the Name of our Lord Jesus; and by the Spirit of our God. And in Fine. He that before was of his Father the Devil, is now a Child of God; and belongs to his Houshold and Family. O blessed Change! Blessed are they of the Lord, who are the Subjects of it! This is coming into a new World indeed; and may well be called being born again.

2. It may be called a new Birth, as it brings a Person into a new Capacity for spiritual Action. As the Birth of a Child gives it the Power to exercise the proper Functions of Life; and enables it to breathe, to cry, to eat and drink, to move; and successively in their Time and Order, to perform the several Operations for which it was made: So this new Birth (as I have already observed) gives us a Capacity to exercise the several Graces; and to perform in a spiritual Manner, the several Duties of the Christian Life: Whilst unrenewed, we are no more capable of the Exercise of Grace, than the Child unborn is of natural Operations. Without me (says Christ) ye can do nothing (Joh. xv. 5) But when regenerate and united to Christ, we can act from a new Principle, from new Motives, in a new Manner; and to a new End; and are enabled to walk in Newness of Life (Rom. vi. 4) Whence we are said to be created in Christ Jesus unto good works (Eph. ii. 10) Our Works before could not please God (Heb. xi. 6) But now they are accepted in the Beloved (Eph. i. 6) Thus then we are born again, as we are brought thro' Sanctification of the Spirit, unto Obedience (as 1 Pet. i. 2)

3. It is called a new Birth, as it makes us Heirs of an eternal Inheritance: As the King's eldest Son, is born an Heir to his Crown. So as soon as we are Children, we are Heirs: Heirs of God; and joint Heirs with Christ (Rom. viii •7) Thus are we said to be begotten (or as it is in the Original, to be born) again, to an Inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, that fadeth not away (1 Pet. i. 3)—O how great is the Dignity, how glorious the Privilege and Hope, of all that have experienced this Change! Beloved now we are the Sons of God; and it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is (1 Joh. iii. 2)

4. This Change may be called a new Birth, with Respect to its instantaneous Production: As it is true in every Moment of Time, that a Child either is, or is not born. So it is equally true, in every Moment of a Man's Life, that he is either in a regenerate; or in an unregenerate State. Whatever Opposition this may meet with in the World, there can be no Demonstration in Euclid more evident, than this Truth. It is impossible but that every Man in the World, must always, every Moment of his Life, be either converted or unconverted, a Believer or an Unbeliever, a Child or God, or a Child of the Devil. There is no Medium. And one of these is certainly at this Instant, the State and Condition of every one of my Hearers. Ye are not in the Flesh; but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. But if ye have not the Spirit of Christ, ye are none of his (Rom. viii. 9)

5. It may be called the new Birth, with Respect to our being altogether passive in its Production. As the Infant has no Hand at all, no Manner of Agency or Efficiency, in his own Birth. So in the present Case, tho' we have a great deal to do, that we may be found in the Way, in which we may hope to have this Change wrought in us: Yet the Charge itself is God's own immediate Efficiency, the Display of his almighty Power, in which we can have no active Concurrence. As in the Creation of the World, the Creature could have no Hand in giving Being to itself. So in Regeneration, we can have no Hand in making ourselves new Creatures. This demands our most serious Attention; and should have such an Influence upon our Minds, as will bring us to the Foot of God's Sovereign Grace. For let poor Potsherds of the Earth, contend as much as they will with their Maker, they will yet find it true, that it is not in him that willeth, nor in him that runneth; but in God that showeth Mercy (Rom. ix. 16)

I am now

IV. To give the Reasons why it is so, that the Unregenerate cannot see the Kingdom of God. And I shall briefly observe, that it is so in an especial Manner, for these two Reasons follow∣ing.

1. Because these can have no Righteousness to justify them in the Sight of God. They have no Faith in Christ; and are therefore condemn'd already (Joh. iii. 18) And how can they attone for their innumerable Sins; and expiate the mountainous Load of Guilt that lies upon their Souls? How can they procure the Favour of God; and get into an Estate of Reconciliation and Friendship with him? How can they purchase a Title to the eternal Inheritance? There is Sin enough cleaves to their best Duties, to increase their Debt to divine Justice; and to widen the Breach between God and them. All they can do, is therefore very far from Purchasing the Favor of God; or giving them a Claim to his Salvation. There is Nothing can answer the Demands of Justice, but the perfect Righteousness of Jesus Christ; and this they have no Interest in. They have not received the Lord Jesus Christ by Faith; and therefore can have no Power to become the Sons of God. They consequently remain (and while unregenerate they must remain) in a State of Enmity to God. And will God admit his Enemies into his Kingdom? No! such as these are to expect that terrible Sentence, from the Mouth of their Judge (Luk. xix: 27) Those mine Enemies, that would not I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

2. Because they are utterly unqualified for that glorious Kingdom. That's a Kingdom, where no unclean Thing shall enter. What has a Swine from a miry Sty, to do in a Prince's Palace, or a more filthy and polluted Soul in the Palace of the King of Kings?— God is a holy God, Heaven is a holy Place, the Saints and Angels forever exercised there in the most holy Employments. There is therefore no Room for unrenewed and unsanctified Souls.— Besides, the Unregenerate are altogether incapable of the Blessedness of the heavenly World. There is Nothing there to gratify their carnal Desires: Nothing, but what is so contrary to the Dispositions of their Souls, that it would render 'em miserable if it were attainable. We must therefore all of us be renewed, and become holy in Heart and Life, If we would ever be admitted to the Perfection of Holiness, in the Kingdom of God. For the Decree will quickly bring forth. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still (Rev. xxii. 11)

I now proceed to make some practical Reflections, upon what has been said. And

1. This administers Matter of Conviction and of most awakening Concern, to much the greatest Part of the professing World, in that it is visibly and undoubtedly true, that there are but few of the numerous Professors of Christianity, that have ever entered into this straight Gate which leads to the Kingdom of God. There are but few among those who enjoy the greatest Privileges, and entertain enlarged Hopes of Salvation, that have been born again, and thereby made meet for an Inheritance with the Saints in Light. As this is true of the gospelized World in general, so may it be presumed to be also true, with Respect to those who are now here before the Lord. And can such of you my Brethren, enjoy Peace and Security, who are yet in such a State and Condition, as to be under the Guilt of Sin the Wrath of God, the Tyranny of Satan, and the Empire of Death and Hell!— I have shown you the Nature and Necessity of the new Birth. I have prov'd the Whole to you from that Standard of all Truth the Word of God. I have not been pleading for a Sect or Party. I have not handled the Word of GOD deceitfully; but have endeavour'd the Manifestation of the Truth to every Man's Conscience, in the Sight of GOD. And now I can with Confidence testify to you, that the new Birth which I have described, is the true Grace of GOD, in which you must stand— The Doctrine I know is exceeding repugnant to Page  29 Men's carnal Minds; and therefore meets with greatest Opposition. But it is the Doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, a Doctrine which he will vindicate, when you and I must stand before his Tribunal. Well then dear Souls! Consider what Prospect you have of the heavenly Inheritance. You hope to be saved. But have you experienced the new Birth, as it has been described to you? I summon your Consciences in the Name and Fear of God, to give an impartial Answer to this Demand. You have heard the several Properties and Characters of this saving Change. Now then look into your own Hearts, and see if you can find them there. If not, how dreadful is your State, how exceeding great is the Danger of your being shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven forever! And can you still sleep upon the Top of the Mast of a Ship! Can you still cry Peace Peace, when sudden Destruction is ready to come upon you, as Travail upon a Woman with Child, whence you cannot escape! Be astonished O ye Heavens, at the Security and Stupidity of such a Generation as this! What meanest thou O Sleeper, arise call upon the Lord, if so be that God will think upon thee, that thou perish not! Awake thou that sleepest; and arise from the Dead, that Christ may give thee Light. (Eph. v: 14)

2. This shews us the dreadful Mischief of be∣ing misguided by a deceitful Ministry; and thereby obtaining Hopes of Heaven, without this saving Change, which is (by the Verdict of our Lord himself) of last Necessity to all, that would ever attain to that blessed Inheritance. The last perilous Times are come, wherein many false Prophets are gone out into the World.—What Opposition does the faithful Preaching of this most important Doctrine meet with, even from those who by the most sacred Bonds, are set for the Defence of it. What Danger appears before us from our formal Laodiceans, who would quiet Men's Consciences with a mere Form of Godliness, without the Power. And some of these would even put poor sleepy Sinners into a vain Dream of their having already received a baptismal Regeneration; and thence encourage their Hopes of a safe State, merely from their Morality, or (as it is expressed by a late Author) from their being upon the improving Hand, in gaining Ground of their Vices and Passions: And thus, the Necessity of the converting and the renewing Influences of the blessed Spirit; and of a vital Union to Christ by Faith, begins to be left out of our Creed; and Sinners are flattered with an Imagination of Safety, without experiencing either the one or the other. But with Respect to such Teachers as these, I must warn you in the Apostle's Language (2 Tim. iii. 5) From such turn away.

Beware of any Preachers or Books, that ascribe any Sufficiency to yourselves; or that would lessen your Apprehensions of your lost, undone, guilty, perishing, impotent, and helpless State by Nature. — For you are by Nature Children of Wrath (Eph. ii. 3) You are all under Sin (Rom. ii. 9) and all without Strength (Rom. v. 6) And you must humble yourselves under a deep Sense of this, if you would be exalted (Luk. xviii. 14)

Beware of any Teachers that would lessen your Apprehensions of the Freeness and Sovereignty of the divine Grace. For God is absolutely Sovereign, in the Donation of his own Favours; And if he bestows special Grace upon any, it is even because it so seemed good in his Sight (Mat. xi. 26) And you must come to a feeling Sense that you lye at Mercy, before you have this great Change wrought in you.

Beware of those Teachers, that speak against, and especially those that ridicule and banter experimental Religion. For the Change I am treating of, is a sensible Change (as I have observ'd before) and the Operations of the Spirit of God are sensible Operations. And you must therefore never content yourselves (lest you delude your Souls with a vain Hope) until you have sensible Discoveries of Christ's Sufficiency; and of your hearty Compliance with the Gospel Offer, until you experience the Fruits of the blessed Spirit in your Heart and Life; and until your Experience begetteth Hope (Rom. v. 4) and you thereby know that he abideth in you, by the Spirit which he hath given you (1 Joh. iii. 24)—It is from Compassion to your precious Souls, that I give you Warning of these Things; and testify to you, that (let Men say what they will) your eternal Interests are immediately concern'd. And this you must be convinc'd of first or last.

You may perhaps object, that you are prejudiced against these Doctrines, by some Pretenders to 'em, who seem to place their Religion in certain Degrees of Heat and Flame, in imaginary Impulses, Raptures, and Ecstasies, who seem to think highly of themselves; and to despise others; and who are in the Practice of such a censorious Judging of others, as is directly repugnant to the Rules of the Gospel.

I wish there were no Grounds for this Complaint. It must be acknowledged and lamented, that there has been too much of this Kind among us, that has given an Occasion to the Adversaries of special Grace to triumph. It seems very much owing to this, that instead of the joyful Tidings which we have lately had, of many enquiring the Way to Zion, with their Faces thitherwards; our, Souls are now exceedingly filled with the Scorning of those that are at Ease; and with the Contempt of the Proud. — But is this a reasonable Objection against the Doctrines you have heard? Will you reject the Doctrines, because Men have abused them? Because some influenced by a warm Imagination, have run into one Extreme, will you run into the other, to your eternal Perdition?—I beseech you Brethren, that you ben't soon shaken in Mind or troubled, by any Attempts of the little Foxes that spoil the Vines. Let no Man beguile you of your Reward, neither by frustrating the Grace of GOD, as if Righteousness came by the Law; and so Christ is dead in vain: Nor by intruding into those Things which they have not seen, being vainly puff'd up in their fleshly Mind.

3. Here is Matter of Comfort and Encouragement to those, who have experienced this great Change; and have by the Power of divine Grace, been renewed in the Spirit of their Minds. These are the Persons who shall see the Kingdom of GOD. What Reason have they therefore, to live to the Praise of the Glory of his Grace, whereby they are accepted in the Beloved. You know my dear Brethren, that there has a great Change passed upon your Souls; and you can't but acknowledge, that you have had same Experience of all those Characters of a regenerate State, which you have heard the Description of; tho' perhaps you may yet meet with Difficulties in your Way, that make you doubt your State, and walk in Darkness.

You may be surprised with a Review, of the Greatness and Aggravations of your past Sins. But have you not sincerely mourned for 'em all; and renounced them without Reserve? Can't you truly say, that they are the Matter of your greatest Abhorrence; and that you would not commit them again for all the World? Don't you long and groan after a Deliverance from Sin?—Do then that Honour to the Redeemer's Blood, as to depend upon it for Cleansing from all your Sins. Do that Honour to God's infinite Grace, as to depend upon it, that where your Sins have abounded, his Grace shall abound much more (1 Joh. i. 7) Rom. v. 20)

You may be afraid, whether you have saving Interest in Christ. But have you not felt your lost perishing Condition? Have you not earnestly desired an Interest in Christ? Have you not seen, that there is Safety in him and nowhere else? Have you not rejected every other Confidence; and endeavour'd to commit your Souls to him? Trust then with Cheerfulness and Courage, to his gracious Promise, that he will in no Wise cast you out. Clear up your Doubts, by a present Consent to the Gospel Offer; and a steady De∣pendance upon him for Salvation. For his Grace is sufficient for you 2 Cor. xii. 9)

You may be surprised with your remaining disallowed Corruptions and Imperfections. But are not these your greatest Burthen, what you watch, strive and pray against? Let them then humble, but not discourage you: For you have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous (1 Joh. ii. 1)

You way be greatly discouraged with the Deadness, Formality and Distraction, that you sometimes find in your Duties. But don't you also sometimes find the Comforts of Communion with God, earnestly desire and endeavor it, when you can't obtain it; and groan under the Burthen of your Formality and Hypocrisy, when you cannot help them: Remember then, that your Duties as well as your Souls, are washed, in precious Blood; and being offered upon the golden Altar, they will come up as Incense before GOD (Rev. viii. 3, 4)

Be animated by all your Difficulties, to greater Diligence, in making your Calling and Election sure. Give Glory to God for the Graces of his Spirit. which you have experienced. Let your Experience keep up your Hope; and consider it as the Pledge and Earnest of your future Inheritance.

4. I conclude with a Word of Exhortation to every one, to make it their great Care and Business, not to fail of the Grace of God, lest to their unspeakable Confusion, they at last fall short of his Kingdom and Glory. — What Arguments can I use to press this momentous Concern upon you? You have heard that you must experience this Change, or inevitably perish. And can you be fearless and careless under such a dreadful Prospect? Can you be contented to be shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven at last? Can you be contented to have all the Means of Grace you enjoy; and all your Opportunities to make your Peace with God, prove an Addition to your Guilt and future Misery? Can you be contented to see your Neighbours and Acquaintance, who have liv'd under the same Advantages and Means of Grace with you, sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of GOD; and you yourselves shut out? Can you be contented to have the nearest and dearest godly Friends you have in the World, glorify God's Justice in your eternal Ruin, while you are weltring in the unquenchable Flames; Can you be contented to lose the blessed Society of the glorious God, of the Lord Jesus Christ, of the holy Angels; and of glorified Saints, for the execrable Company of the Devil and his Angels? — Consider these Things, ye, that forget GOD, least he tear you in Pieces, when there will be none to deliver. — Well! my poor unregenerate Friends, what Conclusion will you come to? Must I after all I can say, find you at the left Hand of Christ at last? — I would fain hope, that I may prevail with some of you to come to a present Resolution, to fly for Refuge to the Hope set before you.

Let me then entreat you, to realize your Misery and Danger. Set apart some Time every Day to meditate upon the vast Number and Aggravations of your Sins, the dreadful Weight of your Guilt, the terrible Wrath of an angry God, which hangs over your Heads; and the amazing Eternity which you are hastning into. Meditate these Things, till they excite in you a serious, earnest, and lasting Enquiry after an Escape from the Wrath to come: For indeed poor Souls, it is a fearful Thing to fall into the Hands of the living God (Heb, x. 31)

Let me entreat you to give up your false Hope. You hope to be saved; but how many are there that either know no Reason of their Hope, or else build their Expectations upon the sandy Foundation of their own Righteousness. But why will you hold fast that Hope, which must end in eternal Despair, if it be a little longer entertained:—There is no Hope will stand by you, but what is built upon the Merits of Jesus Christ; and the infinite Riches of God's free Grace and Love. And you have no Claim to this Hope, without an Interest in Christ by Faith, and Access to the Grace of God thro' him. For it is Christ in you, that is your Hope of Glory. Col▪ i. 27. And you must thro' the Spirit, wait for the Hope of Righteousness by Faith. Gal. v. 5.

Let me nevertheless entreat you to strive in earnest, in the Use of all Means; and not to give Way to desponding and despairing Apprehensions of your Case. There is yet Hope in Israel concerning this Thing. I am not advising you to give up all Hope of Salvation, when directing you to renounce your false Hope; but only to quit your Expectations of Salvation in your present State; and from your own Attainments. Despair would be the greatest Dishonour to God; and Ruin to your own Souls, that you can be chargeable with. Take Encouragement therefore, to exercise the most earnest, active and vigorous Application, to the Throne of Grace, in all the appointed Means of Life. For he that ploweth, may plow in Hope. You have as much Encouragement to hope for Mercy in such a Way of Duty, as any unconverted Man in the World ever had. None of these ever had any other Refuge to fly to, but the free Grace of God in Christ; and that Door stands open for you also. Strive therefore to enter in. For God hath not said to the Seed of Jacob, seek ye me in vain (Isa. xlv. 19)

Let me entreat you to be earnest with God, for the special Influences of his blessed Spirit Cry earnestly and constantly to God, that he would fulfill the good Pleasure of his Goodness in your Souls. You can't procure a saving Change in yourselves; and it is in vain to attempt it in your own Strength. Be therefore importunate with God, that he will quicken you by his Spirit dwelling in you (as Rom. viii. 11)

To conclude. Look to it, that you don't take up your Rest, short of a sensible Experience of the divine Life in your Souls. Don't content yourselves, till you feel the Actings of Faith in Jesus Christ, a hatred of Sin, a Love to God and Godliness, a Life of spiritual Mindedness; and the Comforts of Communion and Fellowship with God: Don't rest till you have lively Views of the eternal World; and an active Engagement of Soul in the Pursuit of it. Don't rest until you get more and more Victory over your Corruptions; and more and more Delight and Enlargement in your spiritual Course. Thus laying aside every Weight, and the Sin which doth so easily be beset you, run with Patience the Race that is set before you, looking unto Jesus, the Author and finisher of your Faith. — To him be Glory and Dominion for ever. Amen.