April Supporter Update
Dear friends and supporters,
We wanted to pause and give you all an update on the current and upcoming work of Media Gratiae; we also want to thank you for your partnership with us. Your prayers, encouragement, and support have been a vital help to us as we continue the work.
Below, read a few details on the projects we’ve been working on this year.
We’ve moved!
We’ve moved! In addition to changing locations, we have been in the process of redesigning our podcast studio in this new space.
While we are still in the process of completing the functionality of this new space, we are grateful to begin filming here and for the Lord’s continued provision.
Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges
We have completed work on Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges!
This study is a 7-week look at key passages in the book of Judges that we feel are of particular importance for the modern evangelical church. It includes 7 video sermons in addition to 7 weekly workbook lessons.
Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges is currently in the process of being printed and we can’t wait to get it in your hands! In the meantime, it is available now as a digital study at Media Gratiae Online!
It is our prayer that God would use this study to edify His church, draw His people closer to Himself, and—most of all—bring glory to His great Name.
In conversation with Calum Mcleod
This supporter update includes a special opportunity to hear a discussion between our director and Calum McLeod. McLeod is a man whose life has been changed by the the work of Media Gratiae and who now seeks to further that work through the translation of our materials.
Your ongoing support enables us to bring God’s truth to others like McLeod, who will be blessed by it and steward it well.
Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early
We are continuing work on Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early. In this project, we have taken the main concepts and teachings of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically and Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty and turned them into a curriculum that can be taught to children in a Sunday school or homeschool setting. We have completed writing and editing on this project and are in the process of preparing it for print.
Will you pray with us that the Lord would give us wisdom and provide for us as we complete this project?
Will you pray that He would help us tell of His glory to the next generation?
Oh, satisfy us early with your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Psalm 90:14
We continue to labor through our podcast network: The Whole Counsel, Ransom for Many, Hymn Stories, A Word in Season, and From the Heart of Spurgeon.
In the coming weeks, we look forward to inviting more guests onto The Whole Counsel podcast with Dr. John Snyder and hearing about the relationship of the Christian to the law.
Upcoming projects
As we await the print release of Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges, we are beginning the early stages of work on our next mini-study, a brief look at Psalm 119.
Please pray that the Lord would guide us as we begin writing and planning on this work.
A word to our supporters
“Media Gratiae is a nonprofit 501c3 organization, which means that we rely on the support of donors to continue the ongoing work of Media Gratiae.
The partnership of supporters like you means that we are free to produce those teachings which we feel would be most timelessly helpful to the church and glorifying to our Father in heaven.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support, all of which are a vital help to the work of Media Gratiae.
Please do pray that God would continue to guide us, uphold us, and glorify His Name through us in the days ahead. He alone is worthy. ”