Posts in Updates
Fall 2023 Supporter Update

It’s been a busy year here at Media Gratiae! After a year full of writing, filming, publishing, and planning we wanted to take a moment to step back and update you all on what we’ve been up to this year so far.

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UpdatesSarah Snyder
July Supporter Update

Every quarter, we pause to give you an update on the current and upcoming work of Media Gratiae. As a donor-funded nonprofit ministry, we want to share with you how your support is allowing us to continue the work of sharing the good news of who God is and how every Christian can walk with Him through the common means of grace.

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UpdatesSarah Snyder
April Supporter Update

Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support, all of which are a vital help to the work of Media Gratiae. Please do pray that God would continue to guide us, uphold us, and glorify His Name through us in the days ahead. He alone is worthy.

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UpdatesSarah Snyder