Fall 2023 Supporter Update
Dear friends and supporters,
It’s been a busy year here at Media Gratiae! After a year full of writing, filming, publishing, and planning we wanted to take a moment to step back and update you all on what we’ve been up to so far in 2023.
We also want to thank you for your ongoing prayers, encouragement, and support. Each of these are vitally helpful as we continue the work that God has placed in front of us.
Read below about some of the things we have been working on lately!
The Sermons of Behold your god: the weight of majesty
Last winter, we adapted the video sermons from Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically into a book in order to increase the reach of the material from that study. This holiday season, we are adding a book of the sermons from the follow-up study, Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty, adapted for readability and put into the same hardback format to create a coordinating set.
In this book, the 13 video sermons from Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty are adapted into an introduction about how to study the character of God followed by 12 chapters, each covering an attribute of God and how that attribute can be applied in daily life.
It is our prayer that this book would reach many with the message of who God is an how to live unto Him for the glory of God and the good of His church.
Want to hear updates about this project? Sign up for emails!
Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early
After years of behind-the-scenes labor, this year we released Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early.
Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early is a 26-week children's curriculum that focuses on introducing our children to the God of the Bible and how to know Him according to Scripture. It is based on the material found in Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically and Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty by Dr. John Snyder.
Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early was born out of the belief that our children need deep, theologically-rich teaching in the early years of their lives. This material seeks to lead students and teachers through a study of God's character and how to know Him, in a way that is both profound and easy for children to grasp.
You can order Levels 1&3 and pre-order Level 2 here.
Will you pray with us that the Lord would be honored by this series, and that He would use it to turn the hearts of many young children to Himself?
This year, we’ve seen The Whole Counsel podcast climb past 600,000 downloads across our podcast platforms, with an even wider reach through our social media network.
From the Heart of Spurgeon, our podcast in which Jeremy Walker walks with his listeners through one of Spurgeon’s sermons each week, is accompanied by a reading plan in which participants are reading through one of Spurgeon’s sermons each day. This reading group just completed the 1000th sermon by Charles Spurgeon. To celebrate, Jeremy released a lively reading of Spurgeon’s 1000th sermon as well as a new book featuring 8 of Spurgeon’s sermons.
Our podcast network is made possible by the prayers and gifts of our supporters and we are truly grateful to you all as we pass each milestone.
Behold Your God Around the globe
The Lord has been pleased throughout the last 10 years to bring the Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically study to numerous languages and has used it to call people to Himself and edify His church worldwide.
This year, we began partnering with a ministry to translate the Behold Your God series into Portuguese.
Will you pray that the Behold Your God series would be placed in the hands of those who would most benefit from it, and that their souls would be blessed and God’s Name would be glorified through all these things?
Last Summer, we released our first mini-study, Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges. This study was the first of a new series of 7-8 week studies on Scripture, God’s character, and the Christian life.
This Fall, we are completing our second mini-study: Christ, Our Treasure: Enjoying the Preeminence of Jesus in the Local Church, an 8-week multimedia Bible study that examines key passages of Scripture to give the student a deeper understanding of the purpose and importance of life in the local church for the health of individual believers, the good of the Church and the world at large, and the glory of Christ. This study, led by Pastor Jordan Thomas of Grace Church Memphis, combines video sermons with a thorough, interactive workbook to offer an immersive small group, classroom, or personal study experience.
In 2024 and the following years, we will be partnering with many new authors to create a wide collection of mini-studies. These authors include Joel Beeke, Ian Hamilton, Jeremy Walker, Conrad Mbwewe, Albert Bisson, and Stephen Yuille.
Please pray that God would bless our efforts as we strive to create material that is lastingly beneficial for the church and glorifying to God’s name.
Follow along with our email list for updates about upcoming mini-studies!
A word to our supporters
“Media Gratiae is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, which means that we rely on the support of donors to continue the ongoing work.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support, all of which are a vital to the work of Media Gratiae.
Please do pray that God would continue to guide us, uphold us, and glorify His Name through us in the days ahead. He alone is worthy. ”