Fall Supporter Update

Dear friends and supporters,

As we approach the holidays and the year draws to a close, we wanted to take a moment to update you all on what we’ve been up to this quarter. We have been busy creating new free content along with books and Bible studies! We look forward to finishing up the year with you all and sharing some of our exciting plans for 2023 in our next update!

We also want to thank you for your ongoing prayers, encouragement, and support. Each of these are vitally helpful as we continue the work that God has placed in front of us.

Read below about some of the things we have been working on this quarter!



Our new book is available for pre-order now!

The Sermons of Behold your god: Rethinking God biblically

In January, 2013, Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically was released and Media Gratiae was born.

In the 10 years since, we have been joined by thousands of people around the world in a journey of knowing God and together we have learned that the nearness of God truly is our good. 

This quarter, to mark this occasion, we have completed a new book: The Sermons of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically contains the transcripts of all 12 sermons from the video component of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically, adapted for readability. 

We are grateful for your support and God’s gracious provision as we have labored to release this new book by Christmas. It is available and shipping out now!

Jordan Thomas films for his upcoming mini-study


We are so excited to finally have Living with the True God: Lessons from Judges in print! We have already begun to hear from those who have benefited from completing this study since its release in July and look forward to seeing where God takes it in the future. Will you pray with us that He would use it to accomplish all His good pleasure?

This quarter, we began production on another mini-study with Jordan Thomas on the glory of Christ in His church. You may recognize Jordan as a contributor to our Behold Your God series; he is also a pastor serving at Grace Church in Memphis, TN. Please pray with us that God would guide us and provide funding for manufacturing as we hope to release this study early in 2023. If you would like to give to help finish this project, you can do so here.


This quarter, we saw The Whole Counsel podcast climb past 465,000 downloads across our podcast platforms, with an even wider reach through our social media network.

From the Heart of Spurgeon, our podcast in which Jeremy Walker walks with his listeners through one of Spurgeon’s sermons each week, just released its 100th episode. We are grateful for our listeners as well as the opportunity to partner with Jeremy and we look forward to celebrating this milestone with an upcoming giveaway.

Our podcast network is made possible by the prayers and gifts of our supporters and we are truly grateful to you all as we pass each milestone.

Behold Your God Around the globe

The Lord has recently blessed us with multiple opportunities for the global translation and distribution of the Behold Your God series.

We are excited for new opportunities to bring the Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically study to Spanish speakers, particularly in South America. A translator named Jorge Rodriguez, who has worked with Heartcry Missionary Society and oversees translation for Legado Bautista Confesional, is overseeing the Spanish translation of Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty and the distribution of the Spanish translations of both Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically and Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty in South America. Legado Bautista Confesional is nearing the completion of the first of these studies, Rethinking God Biblically, into Spanish.

Heartcry Missionary Society recently shared another reprint of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically into Russian.

Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically has now been translated into Dutch, German, Russian, and Spanish. In the year ahead, we look forward to networking with these translators to make these resources available to non-English-speaking and ESL communities in North America.

Will you pray that the Behold Your God series would be placed in the hands of those who would most benefit from it, and that their souls would be blessed and God’s Name would be glorified through all these things?

Media Gratiae On the web

We are grateful to have seen our reach extend not only through our podcast network and Bible study resources this quarter, but also through our social media platforms.

We are growing in a community of like-minded believers across a variety of social media platforms where we can share the truth of who God is and encourage one another in the means of grace.

To join us, you can follow along on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early

We are continuing work on Behold Your God: Seeking Him Early. In this project, we have taken the main concepts and teachings of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically and Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty and turned them into a curriculum that can be taught to children in a Sunday school or homeschool setting.

We have completed writing, editing, and artwork for this project and are in the process of preparing it for print. All three age levels are being typeset and we hope to make them available for digital download early in 2023.

Will you pray with us that the Lord would give us wisdom and provide for us as we complete this project? Will you pray that He would help us tell of His glory to the next generation?

Media gratiae and Christian Book

This quarter, we are grateful to have begun a partnership with Christian Book as a new distributor of our Bible studies, books, and documentaries.

We pray that this new avenue of distribution will help place our materials in the hands of even more of God’s people who will be benefited by them. Please join us in praying that all those who come into contact with us will be enabled to seek God, lift His name high, and learn that His nearness is every Christian’s good.



A word to our supporters

Media Gratiae is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, which means that we rely on the support of donors to continue the ongoing work.

Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support, all of which are a vital to the work of Media Gratiae.

Please do pray that God would continue to guide us, uphold us, and glorify His Name through us in the days ahead. He alone is worthy.
— the media gratiae team

UpdatesSarah Snyder