Resources for Quarantined Families


With social distancing in full swing right now, many families are looking for multimedia resources to offer encouragement and turn their thoughts to God. We have some resources we believe can help.

Epic: An Around-the-World Journey Through Christian History

Being stuck indoors, it is easy to forget that an entire world exists beyond your windowed view. Correct that by taking a journey through thousands of years of Christian history across 180,000 miles in 24 countries with Tim Challies.

This 10-episode series, Epic: An Around-the-World Journey Through Christian History, gives Christians a taste of their heritage through artifacts that tell stories few us know, but all of us will benefit from.


Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God

For those who love travel but want to focus on a particular period of history, check out Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God. In this feature-length documentary, see the world of the 16th and 17th century Puritans through on-location shots in London, the Netherlands, and the United States.

Included with the film are 35 short video lessons focusing on Puritan biographies and themes taught by men who have been deeply impacted by Puritan writings such as Mark Dever, John Snyder, Michael Reeves, and Jeremy Walker.


Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer

The Puritans would not have been what they were without the influence of the monk-turned-Protestant Martin Luther. In this feature documentary, Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer, travel to Germany and walk through the story of Martin Luther as he went from a frightened boy hiding under a tree during a lightning storm to a man held by his conscience to stand against the Roman Pope.


The Behold Your God Studies

For those who have too much screen time in their lives, reading is a great escape from the not-so-great indoors. Both 12-week studies, Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically and Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty offer a healthy balance of reading and watching.

In this study, you’ll go through the five-day devotional workbook and then watch a video session that reinforces the workbook lessons. Each session includes a biographical sketch of an individual gripped by the reality you studied that week, a sermon by Dr. John Snyder, and interviews from pastors and teachers sharing practical applications of the week’s truths.


The Church: Her Nature, Authority, Purpose, and Worship

Many of us are in a truly new territory as we are being forced to live apart from the weekly fellowship and worship in our local churches. Hopefully, this will give us all a renewed yearning for the body of Christ.

But in this interim while we cannot meet, let us spend some time studying and meditating on why we have such a desire to meet together. It isn’t simply a habit. It is a God-given, God-created desire. He built the Church. In The Church: Her Nature, Authority, Purpose, and Worship, dive into what God says about how she should operate, function, and what purpose she should serve in the life of every Christian.


A Guide to Family Worship

This period of self-isolation and social distancing can be a time of building new routines in our families. It is a season in which God has removed many of the things that constantly pulled us out of homes and, perhaps unknowingly to us, stole time from us being families.

Use this time to build family worship into the rhythm of your family’s day. If you have never done family worship or seen it modeled, have no fear! A Guide to Family Worship is a simple, repeatable model that can easily be adapted for a family of any size and of any age range.

Our prayer in presenting these resources to you is that you will redeem this season to grow in the knowledge and grace of God. When our children or grandchildren ask us about this in the years to come, may we look back upon it and remember it as a sweet season with the Lord.

Courtney Brewer