Servant Songs VI

In this final Servant Song, God gives us a shocking description of His perfect Servant. He tells us through Isaiah that, although His servant is of infinite worth and glory, He will be esteemed by worthless men as worthless. He will be rejected by man, but His sacrifice will be accepted by the Father.

This week, we’re looking at the Servant Song of Isaiah 53.

When the people see the Messiah come, they don’t see anything special about Him. There wasn’t anything outwardly about the God-Man to make you notice there was something extraordinary. “He had no form or majesty that we should look at him,
and no beauty that we should desire him” (Isaiah 53:2). We have no interest in Christ until God opens our eyes.

Christ has borne our sins. What is the outcome of the cross and the crushing of the Son?

  1. Expiation: Christ has legally atoned for our sin. He Himself is the sacrifice.

  2. Propitiation: God looks on the cross and sees that His just and right wrath is satisfied by the full payment that was due.

  3. Reconciliation: Christ has removed the offence and now we are reconciled to God. There’s no longer any alienation between us.

  4. Ransom: Christ purchased our freedom by paying to God all that was owed by us.


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