Posts in The Whole Counsel
Union with Christ VII: From Glory to Glory

Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd are back in the studio this week to continue discussing the Christian's union with Christ. Having spent several episodes on the work of God alone in uniting us to Christ, we now turn to the work that involves us: sanctification. God decrees that all His adopted children will resemble Christ. This is a promise from our Creator, but that doesn't mean it will be smooth, easy, or fast. It is sometimes a roller coaster. However, His promise is enough, and we will see change over the trajectory of our lives.

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A Conversation with Canadian Pastors

Paul writes in Ephesians commanding us to address one another with “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart (Ephesians 5:19). The Christian faith is a singing faith. We worship, learn, and fellowship in song. We praise, worship, and mourn to timeless melodies. This week Dr. John Snyder and Jeremy Walker discuss a new project to update timeless hymns for today’s churches.

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The Hymn Project with Jeremy Walker

Paul writes in Ephesians commanding us to address one another with “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart (Ephesians 5:19). The Christian faith is a singing faith. We worship, learn, and fellowship in song. We praise, worship, and mourn to timeless melodies. This week Dr. John Snyder and Jeremy Walker discuss a new project to update timeless hymns for today’s churches.

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Union with Christ VI: The Objective Result, pt 2

Justification is too substantial a topic for one episode, so Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd continue focusing on the objective reality of the Christian’s union with Jesus Christ in this week’s episode. But the duo shifts the perspective for this episode from last week’s focus on how sinful man can be made right with God, to how God can be just and make man right with Him The answer, as made clear throughout all Scripture, is the imputation of our sin upon Christ and God’s imputing our sin to Christ.

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Union with Christ IV: United in Death

What does it mean to be united or baptized into Jesus's death? As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones articulates in his commentary on Romans 6, it means that we are dead to the power of sin. The death of Christ empowers every Christian to overcome sin. While we will never be perfectly sinless, we will ultimately conquer sin to the glorify of God.

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Union with Christ III: The Origin of Our Union

All of humanity is born being united to Adam. With that union has come the unwelcomed companion of death. But the Christian has a new representative: Jesus Christ. Our union with Him provides life and life eternal. How it is that a human being is united to the eternal God contains much mystery, but it is a beautiful reality worthy of much reflection and meditation. This week Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd continue examining theme by looking at the metaphors God gives us throughout the New Testament.

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Union with Christ II: The Nature of Our Union

Union with Christ doesn’t begin after we have reached a certain point of spiritual maturity. Jesus doesn’t wait until we know Him “well enough” to unite Himself with us. Our union with Him was decreed by the Father in eternity past and is experienced by every Christian from the moment of conversion, through every scene of life, upon death, and into our eternal rest.

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